The Surveillance State Continues – Obama Signs The FAA Reauthorization Act, 30,000 Drones To Patrol All U.S. Airspace
On February 15th, 2012, President Obama signed into law yet anotherterrible piece of legislation, or at least terrible in the eyes of anyone who loves liberty. That legislation is known as the FAA Reauthorization Act or the “FAA Modernization & Reform Act of 2012” (H.R. 658). In this particular bill, Obama has the Federal Aviation Administration weakening the rules placed on domestic drones, with an ultimate goal to have the United States’ airspace patrolled by thirty thousand drones by 2020.
Isn’t it bad enough already, with NDAA and the other un-American acts the Congress has passed in recent years? Imagine an America where you cannot walk on a street without being patrolled by these drones, along with being watched by countless cameras on every streetlight and sign. This is nothing short of George Orwell’s book “1984,” becoming a reality. It’s a Big Brother style society, with a continued reliance on the Department of Homeland Security, domestic terrorism, and destroying the privacy of citizens. All while protecting the privacy of government and more “Townshend” and “Alien and Sedition” acts. It is the undoing of the ten amendments by our own government.
“An unjust law is no law at all.” – St. Augustine of Hippo
Let us not forget the case of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen who was a suspected terrorist, however he was never presented with an arrest warrant or a day in court, and was assassinated by a drone attack. Regardless if you believe Anwar was guilty of treason or not, in a free country like America, we are governed by laws, not men. Every American has the right of due process and that is not the case in Obama’s vision of America. So, if the government preserves the right to deny Habeas Corpus and Due Process to Americans overseas, what’s stopping them from doing it here at home? Are these drones also going to be armed? If so, if you receive a ticket for a simple traffic violation or are wanted for even a more serious crime, will these drones have the authority to take us down with a stun-gun or even assassinate us at the government’s will? Without any day in court?
Just imagine an America with tens of thousands of these drones in every corner of American airspace. How crazy does Alex Jones seem now about the Surveillance State? Where is this coming from?
Let us take this back to the oval office. Obama, even by many Democratic standards, has failed at his first term. The FAA act also makes it more difficult to join unions, flip-flops on the issue of Medical Marijuana, and creates war instead of the peace he promised. Even though he claimed he was a Clinton fiscal conservative, every year has seen the largest of deficits in American history.
Mr. President, what are the reasons for your failures? According to Obama, it is the founding fathers whom are at fault for his shortcomings. In a interview he stated: “What’s frustrating people is that I haven’t been able to force Congress to implement every aspect of what I said in 2008. Well, you know, it turns out that our founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change that I would like sometimes.”
There we are! It is the Constitution that is preventing Obama from giving us the “change” we need. If only he was a dictator, then things would be perfect. The point of the Constitution, the American system, is to prohibit the President and the Congress from doing whatever they want. He’s complaining and stating, “it turns out,” like he just “found out,” like he never took civics in 7th grade, like he was never elected as a United States Senator before becoming President, or an attorney, a “Constitutional” lecturer. It’s sad for someone who is supposed to be a Constitutional scholar. Did he think he was elected to be King of America?
“In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” — Thomas Jefferson
Also, I am going to note that the bill passed through the Senate by a 75-20 margin. We need to clean out the Oval office, along with both the House and Senate, to rid ourselves of the officials who suffer from the “libido dominandi” (the lust to dominate). Even our beloved congressman Scott Garrett, who voted nay to NDAA, went along with HR 685. We must wake up America before our once great country ends up looking like Philip K. Dick’s “A Scanner Darkly.” Let us not forget that this is the battle of Liberty versus Authoritarianism. As we see Authoritarianism winning the battle, we need to spread the freedom message. Knowledge is power, so spread the power through our principals of “Limited Government,” “Personal Liberty,” “Private Property,” “Free markets,” and so forth. We must grow our cause, the cause of Liberty.
I would like to dedicate this article to the memory of the television program “Freedom Watch.” The show was cancelled early this month. I pledge to pick up the torch of liberty and to continue the Freedom message from my place here at The Revered Review, as well as anywhere I can.
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